Mountain and valley tourism

Everything you need to know about Shabbat Hatan

בתי הארחה לשבת חתן

We know, the wedding itself is the biggest and most significant event for the married couple, but it is important to say that the groom's Sabbath should also receive the respect it deserves. For those who do not know, Shabbat Hatan is a tradition in which the family gathers on the Shabbat before the wedding or the Shabbat after it in order to celebrate the newlyweds, introduce the groom to the Torah and let him read from the Parsha. So what should be organized for such an event and what should be known? The Tiberias Hotel team is here to provide you with the complete guide for holding Shabbat Chatan at a hotel in the north.

Who is invited to the event?

To begin with, we will talk about closing the first details of the event, i.e. who should come to Shabbat Chatan?

  1. family: Usually this event is mainly for the family and among them are the parents, siblings, spouses of the siblings and children, grandparents on both sides, uncles and cousins.
  1. What about the bride's side? Although it is not customary in all families to bring the entire extended family of the bride, they can still be invited if this is at the discretion of the newly married couple. In any case, it is possible and even recommended to invite the people closest to her, such as her parents, brothers and sisters, good friends, etc.
  1. Friends: If you have close friends with whom you really feel like brothers, it is also possible and recommended to invite them to the event.

When does the event take place?

After you set the date of the wedding, you can also set the date of the groom's Sabbath. It should be noted that the tradition varies depending on the ethnic origin.

  1. Mizrahim and Sephardi: Among the people of the Mizrahi ethnic group and among the Sephardim it is customary to observe Shabbat Chatan on the Shabbat after the wedding.
  2. Ashkenazim: For the Ashkenazi population, the event usually takes place one Shabbat before the couple gets married.

You are of course welcome to choose according to which approach to follow according to your tradition and desires.

How does the event take place?

Groom's Shabbat is an age-old practice during which the groom goes to the Torah on the Shabbat before or after the wedding. This is an important custom in the Jewish tradition which is intended to make the bride and groom happy and to deepen the acquaintance between their families. Despite this, many people prefer to hold Shabbat Chatan for a very limited number of people due to the hassle and the high costs, this is because organizing Shabbat Chatan independently requires proximity to the synagogue, a house large enough for entertaining and organizing meals.

A hotel for the groom - when is it worth it?

Hosting Shabbat Chatan in a hotel is intended for those people who live far from each other or for people who observe Shabbat, and therefore need the synagogue to be within walking distance (since they do not travel on Shabbat and Jewish holidays). Of course, in addition to all of these, hosting the groom's Shabbat in a hotel saves all the trouble involved in independent organization.  

Precisely for this reason, many Shabbat Chatan guest houses and hotels have opened their doors in recent years to people celebrating Shabbat Chatan, and provide them with all the necessary facilities and supplies for this - from the kosher meals and accommodation, to the synagogue which is within walking distance. The question of the questions is how do you find the place that will provide the best value for your investment and needs?

Tiberias Shabbat Hatan - tips for staying at a hotel

Where to look? The choice of a hotel will in most cases be determined by the degree of proximity to the place of residence of the guests, so however there are people who are interested in a unique meeting place near attractions and a pastoral atmosphere.

Shabbat hotels - prices: how many places to book? We all know this question from the wedding organization where it is always advisable to take a margin of safety when we come to determine the number of places and dishes. In the case of holding the groom's Shabbat in a hotel, booking extra rooms involves high costs. On the other hand, we would not want our guests to be left without a roof over their heads. Therefore, it is recommended as close as possible to the groom's Shabbat to confirm arrival with all the guests and prepare accordingly.

Shabbat Hatan is a big and important event that must be carefully planned. It is necessary to determine in advance who is invited, when the event will take place and where the perfect event for you will take place. Remember that you don't have to do it alone either - you can use professionals who specialize in this type of events and will be able to accompany you.

Shabbat Hatan at the Tiberia Hotel - the perfect place

Interested in an unforgettable event? With us you will find an ancient stone building restored in a European atmosphere, peace and quiet in a central location, a family atmosphere and courteous and professional service. We are within walking distance of the beach, the boardwalk, the pedestrian mall and many kosher restaurants. We should also note that Hami Tiberias is a 5-minute drive from the hotel.

We have invested in-depth thinking to create the perfect vacation for you during all seasons of the year. All the complexes are located near many attractions where you can walk and which you can enjoy depending on the nature of the event.

Want to schedule an impression visit? Do you have any questions? trouble with us Get in touch today by phone 052-2506777

 or by email And we will be happy to serve you!

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